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Automatic low pressure casting machine process


Nowadays, with the continuous development of society, almost every household will choose to buy a car as a means of transportation for the family. Nowadays, the automotive industry is constantly upgrading. Constantly trying and selecting the most suitable models can drive faster, choose the most suitable device, and the automatic low-pressure casting machine is also because of such repeated attempts and updates. There is a lightweight structure that is constantly being realized.
So what is the main way to make cars lightweight?
  1 The mainstream model of the automobile is continuously optimized, and the structural strength of the vehicle is improved under the premise of retaining the main parameter size of the specification, reducing the consumption of the consumables;
  2 uses lightweight materials. Such as aluminum, magnesium, ceramics, plastics, fiberglass or carbon fiber composites;
  3 using a computer for structural design. Such as using finite element analysis, local reinforcement design, etc.;
  4 The load-bearing body is used to reduce the thickness of the body sheet.
  There will also be a choice of materials, the choice of materials will use aluminum casting, gravity casting, sand casting, low pressure casting, etc., mostly using lightweight materials. Mainly non-ferrous alloys, aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, titanium alloys and other alloy materials or composite materials.
  The experiment proves that if the weight of the whole vehicle is reduced by 10%, the fuel efficiency can be increased by 6%-8%; for every 100 kg of the vehicle's curb weight, the fuel consumption per 100 km can be reduced by 0.3-0.6 liters; the weight of the vehicle is reduced by 1%, and the fuel consumption can be reduced by 0.7. %. At present, due to the need of environmental protection and energy conservation, the lightweight of automobiles has become the trend of world automobile development.
  Therefore, in order to better protect less and less fossil fuels, and to better reduce the pollution of social sewage, the weight of automobiles is still imperative. The most important purpose of lightweighting a car is to replace the part with a lightweight part while ensuring the safety of the car and the stability of the performance. Better environmental protection and energy saving.


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